June Coach of the Month — Q&A — Teresa Cano

5 min readJun 11, 2021


What is your name, and where are you based?
My name is Teresa Cano and I’m based out of Austin, TX.

What inspired you to study kinesiology and become both a fitness professional as well as an empowerment/mindset/wellness coach?
Growing up, I remember my favorite class was 7th-grade science when I was first introduced to anatomy. I was fascinated and loved memorizing all the muscles in the body I could. I decided on Kinesiology for my degree to continue nerding out on the anatomy of the body and how it works when it moves and especially during exercise. I took a bit of a detour from the health and wellness industry for a few years after college as I picked up and moved to New York City, but through lots of trial and error, I’ve found myself right back here where I started. I guess it feels a little like destiny picking me up and placing me back where I’m supposed to be; in a position to use my experiences, education, and story to help empower people, get them to find the truest form of themselves, and commit to living a healthier lifestyle — whatever that looks like for them.

Tell us about your experience as a fitness professional and empowerment/mindset/wellness coach so far.
It’s been an interesting ride for me as a fitness professional. I guess you can say it’s been a process and my experience spans over 12 years in conventional, then unconventional ways. Since I’ve come home from NY, I’ve been able to find my passion again for exercise and have been inspired by how big a part of my mental health it’s become. I’ve created a new relationship with what health/fitness means for me, and sharing that with others in the most honest and truthful way has been such a rewarding experience. As far as being an empowerment/mindset/wellness coach, I feel like it’s really carved out and made clear how much mental health and movement go hand in hand. Helping people clear away the fogginess they sometimes find themselves in and take little steps to start taking care of themselves holistically is what I’m all about!

What is your approach to coaching? Do you have a particular style or method?
My approach to coaching is a client-led, strengths-based style. I find what works for someone and build off of that. I feel the most important thing for me is to meet a client where they’re at, collaborate with them as far as the goals they are setting for themselves, and support them with my knowledge and experience as we go along. I’m super conversational, want to make my clients feel at ease, and I like to challenge them to lean into the uncomfortable if/when they are ready, in order to bring about the most change.

What’s the best piece of health or wellness advice you have received?
It’s all about showing up, no matter what that looks like. Some days you’ll feel great, and other days you won’t be feeling it, but the most important thing is to just keep showing up!

What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not coaching?
If I am not coaching, I love to go on walks/hikes with friends, meet up for coffee, and listen to live music if I can!

How do you de-stress?
My go-to de-stressor is to go for a long walk outside. Walking became my meditation during the pandemic and what helped me go through my thoughts and re-center. It has become such a huge part of my life and my favorite thing to do to de-stress. :)

How do you stay motivated and accountable?
Accountability buddies, 100%! I work out with a community in a boot camp style situation, and knowing that your friends or a team of friendly faces are going to be working out alongside you is everything! I have one consistent accountability buddy and we text almost every day about our workouts, and I think that helps us both stay motivated and accountable (hint-hint, having someone that knows your goals and will check in with you about them regularly is HUGE and works wonders).

What does your morning routine look like?
My morning routine consists of doing my 6:30 am boot camp with my buddies (wind, rain, cold, or shine). I then stretch, hydrate, and enjoy an iced coffee — followed by a healthy breakfast soon after. I then get ready for my coaching day! I’m trying to get back into my really good morning habit of writing in my gratitude journal. so on my best days, I’m also doing that. :)

What do you enjoy most about coaching through the Verb platform?
Coaching through Verb has been a super rewarding experience and a new spin on my style of coaching. Even though it has been strictly through text/my phone or computer, it’s been pretty amazing to see the small changes people have made that get bigger as they go along. I’ve seen people make some pretty huge changes, all just by someone checking in with them, keeping them accountable, and having a human that cares on the other side of their phone. It’s been pretty cool to be a part of someone’s journey like that.

What’s your theme/goal for 2021?
My theme/goal for this year is to go GET IT! 2020 was such a challenging year for all of us and it felt hard to find traction on so many levels. Personally, I felt like I was nursing an injury every single month, but this year I feel like I know my body SO much more. I’m focusing on different aspects of my training/coaching, honing in on how I can share that with others, and having fun expanding my coaching business in creative ways! SKY’S THE LIMIT IN 2021, Y’ALL! ;)

What’s your favorite recipe or the food you enjoy most?
My mom’s tacos are, hands down, my favorite food! Love you, mom!




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